Reorientation technique has benefits in bone marrow aspiration of stem cells


Pabinger Christof,Dammerer Dietmar,Lothaller Harald,Kobinia Georg Stefan


AbstractWe treated patients with osteoarthritis of the knee using injections of bone marrow aspirate concentrate (stem cell therapy). Since multiple controversial harvesting methods using different sites, needles, volumes and techniques have been described, we aimed to compare those methods. Four different harvesting sites at the iliac crest, three different types of needles, three different types of volumes and two different harvesting techniques were compared in 48 bone marrow aspirations. The conventional technique (Group 1) was compared with a reorientation technique (Group 2). The number of leucocytes and CD34 + cells and the viability in bone marrow aspirate (BMA) were analysed with a CytoFLEX Flow Cytometer. The reorientation technique showed significantly higher cell counts than the conventional technique in all parameters. Leucocytes per nl increased from 5 ± 2 to 12 ± 4 (p < .001), and CD 34 + cells per μl increased from 40 ± 40 to 140 ± 98 (p = .003). There was no difference between anterior and posterior harvesting at the iliac crest or between use of a thick and use of a thin needle. Use of the reorientation technique, compared to employing the conventional technique, has a significant advantage since the number of leucocytes and CD34 + cells can be tripled. For the use of bone marrow aspirate in the case of arthritis, it might therefore be a future option to harvest a maximum cell yield through the new reorientation technique and to omit centrifugation. However, the clinical relevance of these findings remains the subject of future studies.Level of Evidence: Level I.Clinical relevance: Enhanced technique of BMA for knee surgeons to ensure the maximum cell yield for stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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