1. Córdova, L., Humphreys, H., Amend, C., Burack, J. & Lambert, K. Marijuana Enforcement Division - 2018 Annual Update (Colorado Department of Revenue, 2019).
2. The U.S. Cannabis Report - 2019 Industry Outlook (New Frontier Data, 2019).
3. National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Trends in Prevalence of Various Drugs for Ages 12 or Older, Ages 12 to 17, Ages 18 to 25, and Ages 26 or Older; 2016–2018 (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2018).
4. Anderson, B., Policzer, J., Loughney, E. & Rodriguez, K. Energy Use in the Colorado Cannabis Industry - Fall 2018 Report (The Cannabis Conservancy, 2018).
5. State of the Cannabis Cultivation Industry (Cannabis Business Times, 2020).