The analysis of 51 genes in DSM-IV combined type attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: association signals in DRD4, DAT1 and 16 other genes


Brookes K,Xu X,Chen W,Zhou K,Neale B,Lowe N,Aneey R,Franke B,Gill M,Ebstein R,Buitelaar J,Sham P,Campbell D,Knight J,Andreou P,Altink M,Arnold R,Boer F,Buschgens C,Butler L,Christiansen H,Feldman L,Fleischman K,Fliers E,Howe-Forbes R,Goldfarb A,Heise A,Gabriëls I,Korn-Lubetzki I,Marco R,Medad S,Minderaa R,Mulas F,Müller U,Mulligan A,Rabin K,Rommelse N,Sethna V,Sorohan J,Uebel H,Psychogiou L,Weeks A,Barrett R,Craig I,Banaschewski T,Sonuga-Barke E,Eisenberg J,Kuntsi J,Manor I,McGuffin P,Miranda A,Oades R D,Plomin R,Roeyers H,Rothenberger A,Sergeant J,Steinhausen H-C,Taylor E,Thompson M,Faraone S V,Asherson P,Johansson L


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Psychiatry and Mental health,Molecular Biology

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