A Novel Flying Robot Swarm Formation Technique Based on Adaptive Wireless Communication using MUSIC Algorithm


Khaldoon A. Omar1,kamil N. Yasameen1,A. Abbas Ahmed1,Al Smadi Takialddin2


1. Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Anbar, Iraq

2. Facultyl of Engineering, Jarash University, Jordan


This paper presents a novel technique to address the challenge of coordinating swarm flying robots in a leader-follower configuration. A combination of the Multi Signal Classification (MUSIC) estimation algorithm, based on a wireless MIMO array antenna, along with onboard robot control are used for precise route tracking of an individual robot. Employing an array antenna reduces energy consumption for followers in passive mode and reduces computational complexity when measuring the angles of leader angle interferences, which depends on the phase difference of the impinging signal on the antenna elements of the array. Additionally, the angles estimation and beamforming processes, utilizing MUSIC algorithm, form an inner loop that furnishes orientation angles in 3D (Azimuth and elevation angles) for both the leader and potential interference sources. The outer loop, contingent on the onboard controller and the robot's GPS system, enabling fine adjustments in angle and position relative to the leader's location. The simulation results illustrated the efficiency of the proposed technique in estimating the orientation angles of the leader and the interference sources. The technique robustness is confirmed through testing the performance on different trajectories. Where the follower perfectly generates a main radiation beam directed towards the leader, effectively mitigates interference signals from neighboring group leaders, and successfully tracks the leader path.


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