1. The application of a log-logistic model to describe the thermal inactivation ofClostridium botulinum213B at temperatures below 121.1°C
2. 2 Anon. (1994 )Chemical Antiseptics and Disinfectants - Quantitative Suspension Test for the Evaluation of Bactericidal Activity of Chemical Disinfectants and Antiseptics for Use in Food, Domestic and Industrial Areas-Test Method and Requirements.Provisional European Norm - PREN 1276. London: British Standards Institute.
3. Free Available Chlorine Residuals for Small Nonpublic Water Supplies
4. 4 S.F. Bloomfield (1991 ) Methods for assessing antimicrobial activity. InMechanisms of Action of Chemical Biocides, Society of Applied Bacteriology Technical Series 27, ed. Denyer, S.P. and Hugo, W.B. pp. 1-22. London: Academic Press.
5. Development of reproducible test inocula for disinfectant testing