1. Tutorial review—Data processing by neural networks in quantitative chemical analysis
2. 2C. Di Natale, A. D'Amico, Yu.G. Vlasov, A.V. Legin, and A.M. Rudnitskaya (1995 ). Multicomponent analysis of heavy metal cations and inorganic anions in liquids by a non-selective chalcogenide glass sensor array . In:Proceedings of the International Conference `Eurosensors IX' (new), Pp. 512. Stockholm, Sweden: Foundation for Sensor and Actuator Technology.
3. Multicomponent analysis of heavy metal cations and inorganic anions in liquids by a non-selective chalcogenide glass sensor array
4. 4K. Esbensen, S. Schonkopf, T. Midtgaard, and D. Guyot (1998 ).Multivariate Analysis in Practice, Pp. 343. Trondheim: Camo ASA.