1. Selected reviews dealing with higher-coordinate silicon compounds:
2. Reactivity of penta- and hexacoordinate silicon compounds and their role as reaction intermediates
3. Comparison of Phosphorus and Silicon: Hypervalency, Stereochemistry, and Reactivity
4. cKost, D.; Kalikhman, I.InThe Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds;Rappoport, Z.; Apeloig, Y., Eds.Wiley:Chichester, UK, 1998; Vol.2, Part 2, pp1339−1445.
5. dPestunovich, V.; Kirpichenko, S.; Voronkov, M.InThe Chemistry of Organic Silicon Compounds;Rappoport, Z.; Apeloig, Y., Eds.Wiley:Chichester, UK, 1998; Vol.2, Part 2, pp1447−1537.