1. Real Decreto 661/2007, de 25 de mayo, por el que se regula la actividad de producción de energía eléctrica en régimen especial, BOE número 126 de 26/5/2007, Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, 2007.http://www.boe.es/aeboe/consultas/bases_datos/doc.php?coleccion=iberlex&id=2007/10556(in Spanish, accessed Mar 2010).
2. Co-gasification of biomass and coal for methanol synthesis
3. Ricketts, B.; Hotchkiss, R.; Livingston, B.; Hall, M.Technology status review of waste/biomass co-gasification with coal. IchemE fifth European Gasification Conference, April 8−10, 2002, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.http://miranda.hemscott.com/static/cms/2/4/2/6/binary/5940929141/123027.pdf(accessed Mar 2010).
4. Oxy-co-gasification of coal and biomass in an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant