1. Use of Pom Pons To Illustrate Cubic Crystal Structures
2. See for example: Division of Chemical Education, College of Science (Purdue University).http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch13/unitcell.php#top(accessed on Apr 2012) . Crystallography in a nutschell, by C.E. Strouse.http://www.mic.ucla.edu/X-ray/tutorials.htm(accessed on Apr 2012) . First Year Chemistry at The University of Sydney.http://firstyear.chem.usyd.edu.au/calculators/bcc.html(accessed on Apr 2012) .
3. Meet the Molecules in Chocolate: Informal Opportunities for Building Thematic Molecular Models with Children
4. Jones, G.Molecules Matter.http://www.makeitmolecular.com/(accessed on Apr 2012) .
5. The Atomium Official Website.http://www.atomium.be(accessed Apr 2012) .