1. The Food Safety Basic Law, No. 48; Japan, May 23, 2003, last amendment: No. 50; June 2, 2006; tentative translation presented by the Food Safety Commission of Japan,http://www.fsc.go.jp/sonota/fsb_law1807.pdf(accessed Dec 15, 2011) .
2. Summary of FY2010 Annual Report on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas in Japan;Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:Tokyo, Japan, 2011; p11,http://www.maff.go.jp/e/annual_report/2010/index.html(accessed Dec 15, 2011).
3. Chinese dumpling scare hits Japan - a case of methamidophos food poisoning
4. Pesticide residues in domestic agricultural products monitored in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, FY 1995-2009
5. Health Effects Assessment Report in Food, Methamidophos; Food Safety Commission of Japan, Notification of Cabinet Office of Japan, Fu-Shoku-475, May 1, 2008, (in Japanese).