1. Integrating Computational Chemistry into the Physical Chemistry Curriculum
2. Undergraduate Professional Education in Chemistry: ACS Guidelines and Evaluation Procedures for Bachelor’s Degree Programs (Spring 2008);American Chemical Society:Washington, DC, 2008; Section 4.3, p7.
3. McQuarrie, D. A.Quantum Chemistry,2nd ed.University Science Books:Mill Valley, CA, 2008; pp581–597.Also see pp 427–433 for an explicit mathematical discussion of matrix eigenvalue problems and matrix diagonalization. Readers are referred to specific computer programs and packages for performing numerical diagonalizations of large matrices.
4. Atkins, P.; de Paula, J.Physical Chemistry,9th ed;W. H. Freeman:New York, NY, 2010; pp395–407.Readers are referred to software for performing numerical matrix diagonalizations.
5. Rogers, D. W.Computational Chemistry Using the PC,3rd ed;Wiley-InterScience:Hoboken, NJ, 2003; pp169–230.