Keeping military units in constant combat readiness requires the leadership of the armed forces to find new approaches to the organization, structure and content of physical training. Research on the relationship between indicators of physical fitness of servicemen and their readiness to perform tasks assigned to them by domestic and foreign experts proves the need to improve the content of sets of tests of general and professionally applied physical fitness. The purpose of the study was to identify areas for improving the content of physical training in the armed forces of foreign countries to improve the combat readiness of servicemen. Research methods. Methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature were used for the research. In total, more than 60 sources of information were analyzed, followed by a final review and 22 sources of literature, including 15 foreign authors, the material of which was processed using general scientific methods. Results. The study found that in the armed forces of NATO, the United States and Canada, physical fitness is considered one of the most important indicators of the readiness of personnel to perform professional tasks. One of the main strategies of physical training is to minimize the negative impact of real situation factors on the overall performance and combat readiness of personnel, which becomes especially important in conditions of long, continuous combat operations. Conclusions. The necessity of simplification of the domestic system of physical training with simultaneous substantiation of validity of tests for an estimation of the general and professionally applied physical fitness of military men is defined.
Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University
Cited by
12 articles.
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