Timm Cari Rejane Fiss,Schuch Márcia Wulff,Tomaz Zeni Fonseca Pinto,Fischer Doralice Lobato de Oliveira,Mayer Newton Alex
The use of sexually propagated rootstocks is a major problem for peach crops in Brazil due to lack of plant homogeneity, which aff ects orchard production and longevity. To tackle the heterogeneity problem, clonal propagation is a promising alternative for the production of quality seedlings. There are few rootstocks options available in Brazil for stone fruit, and research work in this area is relatively recent. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing the technical feasibility of the propagation of some peach cultivars such as Capdeboscq, Aldrighi, Nemared, Nemaguard and Flordaguard, through herbaceous minicuttings. In addition, diff erent concentrations of IBA (0, 1.000, 2.000 and 3.000mg L-1) were tested. The minicuttings were immersed in a solution for fi ve seconds and, then, placed in a SANPACK® hinged clear plastic package for food, with 10x13x20cmof height, width and length, respectively, containing medium vermiculite. The experiment was conducted with four replications of 20 minicuttings, and kept in a greenhouse. At day 60, the rooting percentage, number and average length of the three longest roots, number and length of the longest rooting, and number and length of the longest shoot were evaluated. After the rooting period, the greatest rooting percentage for Capdeboscq cultivar was observed, with 74 %, using IBA concentrations of 2.000 and 3.000mgL-1.
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