Technical assistance and support for social housing: from the discourse to constructing the professional practice


Cardoso Fernanda Simon1ORCID,Lopes João Marcos de Almeida1ORCID


1. Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, São Carlos, SP, Brazil


In this article, we propose a dialogue between the concepts of Technical Assistance and Support for Social Housing (ATHIS), starting from a common point: the professional activity of architects and urban planners. We discuss the history of actions taken in this area, together with the recent discussions and activities that have been undertaken after the approval of Law 11,888/2008, mainly by the entities that represent these professional groups. It is our belief that this dialogue may foster the construction of a new professional ideology and an agenda that defines more clearly what could constitute the field of action for professionals dedicated to ATHIS. Since the enactment of the above-mentioned law, while there has been an effervescence of debates among architects and urban planners regarding the subject, a strong consensus has never been reached on how to structure the technical and political format of actions. While the disputes continue, the lack of clarity has enabled the appearance of controversial proposals and discussions that do not contribute to introducing structural changes regarding the way of supporting or even producing social housing.


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo


Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais (RBEUR)







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