Quantum machine learning: a classical perspective


Ciliberto Carlo1,Herbster Mark1,Ialongo Alessandro Davide23,Pontil Massimiliano14,Rocchetto Andrea15ORCID,Severini Simone16,Wossnig Leonard157


1. Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, UK

2. Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

3. Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany

4. Computational Statistics and Machine Learning, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy

5. Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

6. Institute of Natural Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

7. Theoretische Physik, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland


Recently, increased computational power and data availability, as well as algorithmic advances, have led machine learning (ML) techniques to impressive results in regression, classification, data generation and reinforcement learning tasks. Despite these successes, the proximity to the physical limits of chip fabrication alongside the increasing size of datasets is motivating a growing number of researchers to explore the possibility of harnessing the power of quantum computation to speed up classical ML algorithms. Here we review the literature in quantum ML and discuss perspectives for a mixed readership of classical ML and quantum computation experts. Particular emphasis will be placed on clarifying the limitations of quantum algorithms, how they compare with their best classical counterparts and why quantum resources are expected to provide advantages for learning problems. Learning in the presence of noise and certain computationally hard problems in ML are identified as promising directions for the field. Practical questions, such as how to upload classical data into quantum form, will also be addressed.


Innovate UK

Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship

The Royal Society

Cambridge-Tuebingen Fellowship

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

National Natural Science Foundation of China


Cambridge Quantum Computing


The Royal Society


General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering,General Mathematics

Reference187 articles.

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5. Quantum Algorithms for Some Hidden Shift Problems

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