The evolution of city life


Santangelo James S.123ORCID,Rivkin L. Ruth123ORCID,Johnson Marc T. J.123ORCID


1. Department of Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 1C6

2. Centre for Urban Environments, University of Toronto Mississauga, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 1C6

3. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3B2


Urbanization represents a dominant and growing form of disturbance to Earth's natural ecosystems, affecting biodiversity and ecosystem services on a global scale. While decades of research have illuminated the effects of urban environmental change on the structure and function of ecological communities in cities, only recently have researchers begun exploring the effects of urbanization on the evolution of urban populations. The 15 articles in this special feature represent the leading edge of urban evolutionary biology and address existing gaps in our knowledge. These gaps include: (i) the absence of theoretical models examining how multiple evolutionary mechanisms interact to affect evolution in urban environments; (ii) a lack of data on how urbanization affects natural selection and local adaptation; (iii) poor understanding of whether urban areas consistently affect non-adaptive and adaptive evolution in similar ways across multiple cities; (iv) insufficient data on the genetic and especially genomic signatures of urban evolutionary change; and (v) limited understanding of the evolutionary processes underlying the origin of new human commensals. Using theory, observations from natural populations, common gardens, genomic data and cutting-edge population genomic and landscape genetic tools, the papers in this special feature address these gaps and highlight the power of urban evolutionary biology as a globally replicated ‘experiment’ that provides a powerful approach for understanding how human altered environments affect evolution.


National Research and Engineering Council of Canada


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine

Reference43 articles.

1. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs PD. 2015 World urbanization prospects: the 2014 revision. (doi:10.4054/DemRes.2005.12.9)

2. A global analysis of the impacts of urbanization on bird and plant diversity reveals key anthropogenic drivers

3. Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth's ecosystems;Haddad NM;Appl. Ecol.,2015

4. Global Change and the Ecology of Cities

5. Ecology of Cities and Towns

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