In the study of the phenomena of anaphylaxis there are certain points on which some measure of agreement seems to have been attained. In the case of anaphylaxis to soluble proteins, with which alone we are directly concerned in this paper, the majority of investigators probably accept the view that the condition is due to the formation of an antibody of the precipitin type. Concerning the method, however, by which the presence of this antibody causes the specific sensitiveness, the means by which its interaction with the antibody produces the anaphylactic shock, there is a wide divergence of conception. Two main currents of speculation can be discerned. One view, historically rather the earlier, and first put forward by Besredka (1) attributes the anaphylactic condition to the location of the antibody in the body cells. There is not complete unanimity among adherents of this view as to the nature of the antibody concerned, or as to the class of cells containing it which are primarily affected in the anaphylactic shock. Besredka (2) himself has apparently not accepted the identification of the anaphylactic antibody with a precipitin, but regards it as belonging to a special class (sensibilisine). He also regards the cells of the central nervous system as those primarily involved in the anaphylactic shock in the guinea-pig. Others, including one of us (3), have found no adequate reason for rejecting the strong evidence in favour of the precipitin nature of the anaphylactic antibody, produced by Doerr and Russ (4), Weil (5), and others, and have accepted and confirmed the description of the rapid anaphylactic death in the guinea-pig as due to a direct stimulation of the plain-muscle fibres surrounding the bronchioles, causing valve-like obstruction of the lumen, and leading to asphyxia, with the characteristic fixed distension of the lungs, as first described by Auer and Lewis (6), and almost simultaneously by Biedl and Kraus (7). But the fundamental conception of anaphylaxis as due to cellular location of an antibody, and of the reaction as due to the union of antigen and antibody taking place in the protoplasm, is common to a number of workers who thus differ on details.
Reference41 articles.
1. \ (1) Besredka. ` Ann. de l'lnst. Pasteur ' 1908 vol. 22 p. 496.
2. Idem. ` Bull de l'lnst. Pasteur ' 1917 vol. 15 p. 425.
3. Dale. *Proc. Roy. Soc. ' B 1920 vol. 91 p. 130.
4. Doerr and Russ. `Zeitschr. f. Immun. ' 1909 vol. 3 p. 706.
5. Weil. ` Jour. Med. Res. ' 1913 vol. 26 p. 525 and vol. 29 p. 233.
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26 articles.