Fast visual adaptation to dim light in a cavity-nesting bird


Chaib Sandra1ORCID,Lind Olle1ORCID,Kelber Almut1ORCID


1. Lund Vision Group, Department of Biology, Lund University, 223 62 Lund, Sweden


Many birds move fast into dark nest cavities forcing the visual system to adapt to low light intensities. Their visual system takes between 15 and 60 min for complete dark adaptation, but little is known about the visual performance of birds during the first seconds in low light intensities. In a forced two-choice behavioural experiment we studied how well budgerigars can discriminate stimuli of different luminance directly after entering a darker environment. The birds made their choices within about 1 s and did not wait to adapt their visual system to the low light intensities. When moving from a bright facility into an environment with 0.5 log unit lower illuminance, the budgerigars detected targets with a luminance of 0.825 cd m −2 on a black background. When moving into an environment with 1.7 or 3.5 log units lower illuminance, they detected targets with luminances between 0.106 and 0.136 cd m −2 . In tests with two simultaneously displayed targets, the birds discriminated similar luminance differences between the targets (Weber fraction of 0.41–0.54) in all light levels. Our results support the notion that partial adaptation of bird eyes to the lower illumination occurring within 1 s allows them to safely detect and feed their chicks.




The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine

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