Spectral sensitivity transition in the compound eyes of a twilight-swarming mayfly and its visual ecological implications


Egri Ádám1ORCID,Mészáros Ádám123,Kriska György13


1. Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research, Karolina út 29, Budapest H-1113, Hungary

2. Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences, Eötvös University, Pázmány sétány 1, Budapest H-1117 Hungary

3. Group for Methodology in Biology Teaching, Biological Institute, Eötvös University, Pázmány sétány 1, Budapest H-1117, Hungary


Aquatic insect species that leave the water after larval development, such as mayflies, have to deal with extremely different visual environments in their different life stages. Measuring the spectral sensitivity of the compound eyes of the virgin mayfly ( Ephoron virgo ) resulted in differences between the sensitivity of adults and larvae. Larvae were primarily green-, while adults were mostly UV-sensitive. The sensitivity of adults and larvae was the same in the UV, but in the green spectral range, adults were 3.3 times less sensitive than larvae. Transmittance spectrum measurements of larval skins covering the eye showed that the removal of exuvium during emergence cannot explain the spectral sensitivity change of the eyes. Taking numerous sky spectra from the literature, the ratio of UV and green photons in the skylight was shown to be maximal for θ ≈ −13° solar elevation, which is in the θ min = −14.7° and θ max = −7.1° typical range of swarming that was established from webcam images of real swarmings. We suggest that the spectral sensitivity of both the larval and adult eyes are adapted to the optical environment of the corresponding life stages.


Hungarian New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology

National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary

Jan Gershoj


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Environmental Science,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine

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2. Light pollution of freshwater ecosystems: principles, ecological impacts and remedies;Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences;2023-10-30

3. Mayflies see the world in a different light;Journal of Experimental Biology;2022-07-01

4. Spectral sensitivity transition in the compound eyes of a twilight-swarming mayfly and its visual ecological implications;Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences;2022-04-27








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