Energy absorption from ocean waves: a free ride for cetaceans



Flukes of cetaceans are capable of absorbing energy from ocean waves for propulsion. The extent of this energy absorption is demonstrated by considering the flukes of an immature fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus . In a fully developed seaway corresponding to a wind speed of 20 knots (around Beaufort force 5) and at a low swimming speed, of 2.5 m s -1 , this whale was able to absorb up to 25% of its required propulsive power in head seas and 33% of propulsive power in following seas. Consequences of wave-energy absorption for energetics of cetacean migrations are discussed.


The Royal Society

Reference37 articles.

1. Ash C. 1962 Whaler's eye. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.

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3. Bishop R. E. D. & Price W. G. 1979 Hydroelasticity of ships (423 pp.). Cambridge University Press.

4. Propulsion of a fin whale( Balenoptera physalus): why the fin whale is a fast swimmer

5. Hydromechanics of lunate-tail swimming propulsion. Part 2

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