Severe drought and calf survival in elephants


Foley Charles12,Pettorelli Nathalie3,Foley Lara12


1. Wildlife Conservation Society, International Conservation2300 Southern Boulevard, New York, NY 10460-1099, USA

2. Tanzania Wildlife Research InstitutePO Box 661, Arusha, Tanzania

3. Zoological Society of London, Institute of ZoologyRegent's Park, London NW1 4RY, UK


Climate change in Africa is expected to lead to a higher occurrence of severe droughts in semi-arid and arid ecosystems. Understanding how animal populations react to such events is thus crucial for addressing future challenges for wildlife management and conservation. We explored how gender, age, mother's experience and family group characteristics determined calf survival in an elephant population during a severe drought in Tanzania in 1993. Young males were particularly sensitive to the drought and calf loss was higher among young mothers than among more experienced mothers. We also report high variability in calf mortality between different family groups, with family groups that remained in the National Park suffering heavy calf loss, compared with the ones that left the Park. This study highlights how severe droughts can dramatically affect early survival of large herbivores and suggests that extreme climatic events might act as a selection force on vertebrate populations, allowing only individuals with the appropriate behaviour and/or knowledge to survive.


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)

Reference16 articles.

1. Population Regulation in Male and Female Red Deer

2. Climate Extremes: Observations, Modeling, and Impacts

3. Foley C. A. H. 2002 The effects of poaching on elephant social systems. PhD thesis Princeton University.

4. Foley L. S. 2002 The influence of environmental factors and human activity on elephant distribution in Tarangire National Park. MSc thesis International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation.

5. Temporal Variation in Fitness Components and Population Dynamics of Large Herbivores

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