Consequences of drought for grassland songbird reproduction


Smith Emma B.1,Roe Austin J.1,Silber Katy M.1ORCID,Williams Emily J.1,Winnicki Sarah K.1ORCID,Boyle W. Alice1ORCID


1. Division of Biology Kansas State University Manhattan Kansas USA


AbstractAbiotic stressors can be major sources of selection, resulting in diverse demographic responses operating via multiple direct and indirect mechanisms. However, unusual weather events are notoriously difficult to study due to their spatial and temporal unpredictability. A severe drought affected the Flint Hills of Kansas in 2018, occurring during the ongoing population‐level studies of three species of declining grassland songbirds: Eastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna), Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum), and Dickcissels (Spiza americana). We compared nest survival, nest initiation date, and potential behavioral drivers of reproductive differences (i.e., nest orientation, investment) between the 2018 drought year and 2–6 years of average‐to‐wet years. Nest initiation in the drought year was concentrated early in the season, suggesting that birds did not renest or attempt second broods. The two species that build domed nests shifted the orientation of nest entrances away from early morning sun and toward the direction of prevailing winds in the drought year. Multiple nest‐level metrics of investment and success were similar in drought and nondrought years. These results suggest that demographic changes during droughts can reflect both direct responses and may also involve biotically mediated trophic consequences.


National Science Foundation



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