The former Essay contained a general method for reducing all the most important problems of dynamics to the study of one characteristic function, one central or radical relation. It was remarked at the close of that Essay, that many eliminations required by this method in its first conception, might be avoided by a general transformation, introducing the time explicitly into a part S of the whole characteristic function V; and it is now proposed to fix the attention chiefly on this part S, and to call it the
Principal Function
. The properties of this part or function S, which were noticed briefly in the former Essay, are now more fully set forth; and especially its uses in questions of perturbation, in which it dispenses with many laborious and circuitous processes, and enables us to express accurately the disturbed configuration of a system by the rules of undisturbed motion, if only the initial components of velocities be changed in a suitable manner. Another manner of extending rigorously to disturbed motion the rules of undisturbed, by the gradual variation of elements, in number double the number of the coordinates or other marks of position of the system, which was first invented by Lagrange, and was afterwards improved by Poisson, is considered in this Second Essay under a form perhaps a little more general; and the general method of calculation which has already been applied to other analogous questions in optics and in dynamics by the author of the present Essay, is now applied to the integration of the equations which determine these elements. This general method is founded chiefly on a combination of the principles of variations with those of partial differentials, and may furnish, when it shall be matured by the labours of other analysts, a separate branch of algebra, which may be called perhaps the
Calculus of Principal Functions
; because, in all the chief applications of algebra to physics, and in a very extensive class of purely mathematical questions, it reduces the determination of many mutually connected functions to the search and study of one principal or central relation. When applied to the integration of the equations of varying elements, it suggests, as is now shown, the consideration of a certain
Function of Elements
, which may be variously chosen, and may either be rigorously determined, or at least approached to, with an indefinite accuracy, by a corollary of the general method. And to illustrate all these new general processes, but especially those which are connected with problems of perturbation, they are applied in this Essay to a very simple example, suggested by the motions of projectiles, the parabolic path being treated as the undisturbed. As a more important example, the problem of determining the motions of a ternary or multiple system, with any laws of attraction or repulsion, and with one predominant mass, which was touched upon in the former Essay, is here resumed in a new way, by forming and integrating the differential equations of a new set of varying elements, entirely distinct in theory (though little differing in practice) from the elements conceived by Lagrange, and having this advantage, that the differentials of all the new elements for
the disturbed and disturbing masses may be expressed by the coefficients of
disturbing function.
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