Autonomic innervation of receptors and muscle fibres in cat skeletal muscle



Cat hindlimb muscles, deprived of their somatic innervation, have been examined with fluorescence and electron microscopy and in teased, silver preparations; normal diaphragm muscles have been examined with electron microscopy only. An autonomic innervation was found to be supplied to both intra- and extrafusal muscle fibres. It is not present in all muscle spindles and is not supplied at all to tendon organs. Fluorescence microscopy revealed a noradrenergic innervation distributed to extrafusal muscle fibres and some spindles. On the basis of the vesicle content of varicosities the extrafusal innervation was identified as noradrenergic (32 axons traced), and the spindle innervation as involving noradrenergic, cholinergic and non-adrenergic axons (14 traced). Some of the noradrenergic axons that innervate spindles and extrafusal muscle fibres are branches of axons that also innervate blood vessels. We cannot say whether there are any noradrenergic axons that are exclusively distributed to intra- or extrafusal muscle fibres. The varicosities themselves may be in neuroeffective association with striated muscle fibres only, or with both striated fibres and the smooth muscle cells in the walls of blood vessels. The functional implications of this direct autonomic innervation of muscle spindles and skeletal muscle fibres are discussed and past work on the subject is evaluated.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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