The intervals between zero-crossings of non-Gaussian stable random processes


Hopcraft Keith I.1ORCID,Slater Daniel12,Cao Yufei13


1. School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK

2. Qube Research Technologies, 9 Bressenden Place, London SW1E 5BY, UK

3. School of Insurance, Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China


Properties of the intervals between zero-crossings of non-Gaussian stable random processes are investigated. The classes of process considered are divided into those having short- and long-term memories, characterized by a coherence function that imbues dependence between a random variable measured at different times, which replaces the auto-correlation function, which exists only for the Gaussian case. For exponential coherence functions, all moments of probability densities for the intervals exist and a persistence parameter is determined that characterizes the rate of decay of the exponential tail of the probability densities, together with the full form of the density functions for selected values of the stability index. Results are verified with numerical simulation of a Cauchy process using a method independent of the theoretical development. For power-law coherence functions, the existence of moments of the distribution is conditional upon the indices characterizing the stable process and coherence function. The probability densities of the intervals have power-law tails depending on the product of these indices, with a logarithmic correction for specific combinations of these. An outer-scale or cut-off to power-law coherence functions regains a persistence parameter to the densities and the existence of all moments of the intervals.


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


The Royal Society







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