Differences in the biochemical content and radical scavenging activity of propolis from different parts of a Meliponula ferruginea hive


Kegode Timothy M.1ORCID,Mokaya Hosea O.1,Chogo Solomon I.1,Noiset Pierre2,Vereecken Nicolas J.2,Tamiru Amanuel1,Subramanian Sevgan1,Kiatoko Nkoba1


1. International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), P.O. Box 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

2. Agroecology Laboratory, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Boulevard du Triomphe CP 264/02, 1050 Brussels, Belgium


Research on stingless bee products has increased in recent years, and of particular interest is propolis because of its biological activities such as antioxidant and antimicrobial. However, there is paucity of information regarding intra-hive variations in the biochemical composition and biofunctional properties of this propolis. In this study, we investigated the phytochemicals and radical scavenging activity (RSA) of Meliponula ferruginea propolis from 10 wooden hives ( n = 49). The samples were collected from five different locations comprising the entrance, involucrum, pillars, pots and sealant. Principal component analysis showed that there is an intra-hive variation in phytochemical content and RSA. Phenolic content constituted the highest phytochemical content in all the locations. The sealant and entrance had the highest amounts of phytochemicals compared to the involucrum, pillars and pots. Further analysis of propolis extracts by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed occurrence of different compounds such as monoterpenoids, hydrocarbons, triterpenoids and alkaloids. Hydrocarbons were common in all parts while monoterpenes and triterpenes were present in the entrance. The findings of our study indicates that there is an intra-hive variation in propolis of M. ferruginea and hence this information will provide further insight into better understanding of stingless bee propolis.


The Royal Society



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