1. Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat Expérimentations et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN), Sorbonne Université, CNRS/IRD/MNHN, Paris, France
2. British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK
3. University of Reading, Reading, UK
4. European Polar Board, Den Haag, The Netherlands
5. AirSea Laboratory and Ryan Institute, School of Natural Sciences, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland
6. Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
7. Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany
8. Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
9. Department of Oceanography, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa
10. ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
11. National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK
12. University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
13. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
14. Southern Ocean Carbon-Climate Observatory (SOCCO), CSIR, Cape Town, South Africa
15. ETT, Genoa, Italy
16. GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
17. Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE), Bergen, Norway
18. IBS Center for Climate Physics and Department of Climate System, Pusan National University, Busan, Republic of Korea
19. ECOCEANA, Paris, France