On the electricity excited by the mere contact of conducting substances of different kinds. In a letter from Mr. Alexander Volta, F. R. S. Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Pavia, to the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. K. B. P. R. S



In prosecuting his experiments on the electricity produced by the mere contact of different metals, or of other conducting bodies, the learned Professor was gradually led to the construction of an apparatus, which in its effects seems to bear a great resemblance to the Leyden phial, or rather to an electric battery weakly charged; but has moreover the singular property of acting without intermission, or rather of re-charging itself continually and spontaneously without any sensible diminution or perceptible intervals in its operations. The object of the present paper is to describe this apparatus, with the variety of constructions it admits of, and to relate the principal effects it is capable of producing on our senses. It consists of a long series of an alternate succession of three conducting substances, either copper, tin and water; or, what is much preferable, silver, zinc, and a solution of any neutral or alkaline salt. The mode of combining these substances consists in placing horizontally, first, a plate or disk of silver (half-a-crown, for instance,) next a plate of zinc of the same dimensions; and, lastly, a similar piece of a spongy matter, such as pasteboard or leather, fully impregnated with the saline solution. This set of three-fold layers is to be repeated thirty or forty times, forming thus what the author calls his columnar machine . I


The Royal Society

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2. The invention of Volta’s Pile and its diffusion in Europe at war in the year 1800;Pure and Applied Chemistry;2023-09-13

3. On Teaching Electricity Through History;The Science Teacher;2023-09

4. High-Energy Batteries: Beyond Lithium-Ion and Their Long Road to Commercialisation;Nano-Micro Letters;2022-04-06

5. Polymer Blend Electrolytes for Batteries and Beyond;Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research;2021-11-23








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