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2. Aristotle(n.d.). On the soul. (J.A. Smith Trans.) Internet Classics Archive. (Original work published 350 BCE). http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/soul.html
3. Carus T.L. (n.d.). On the nature of things. (W. E. Leonard Trans.) Internet Classics Archive. (Original work published 50 BCE). http://classics.mit.edu/Carus/nature_things.html
4. Faraday M. 2005. Experimental researches in electricity Vol. I. Project Gutenberg. (Original work published in 1849). http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14986/14986-h/14986-h.htm
5. Galvani L. 1953. Commentary on the effects of electricity on muscular motion. (M.G. Foley Trans.) Burndy Libray. (Original work published in 1791). https://archive.org/stream/commentaryonthee002243mbp/commentaryonthee002243mbp_djvu.txt