1. Department of Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, Germany
2. Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
3. School of Social Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4071, Australia
4. School of Social Sciences, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA 6009, Australia
5. Western Australian Museum, Collections and Research, 49 Kew Street, Welshpool, WA 6106, Australia
6. Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld 4111, Australia
7. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia
8. Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
9. Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada