1. Fellow of the Royal Society. London.
The Author divides this Tract into six Sections; the first where of is only introductory, wherein he telIs us that although the best warrant we can have for the use of any of these waters, is the long and sufficient Experience of their good and bad effects, yet since the advice of Physicians to their patients in this case is a thing of so great consequence, the circumstances so many and so necessary to he considered, and since the Cnriosity of men hath been little greater, then to inquire only what Colour the
Mineral water
will strike with Galls or Oaken leaves, and what Kind and Quantity of Salt will remain after evaporation ; upon these and such like considerations our
Honourable Author
hath thought fit to communicate these his
in order to a more full and Methodicall
Mineral waters
; to the drawing up of which, he thinks these 3 following Observations necessary.
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3 articles.