Burkholder Casey,Thorpe Amelia
Posthuman research methodologies center nonhuman actors and spaces. In this paper, we argue that technological mediation is a key component in a move toward the exploration of posthuman subjectivity in research and the restructuring of dominant understandings of gender and sexualized difference. Drawing on a cellphilm (cellphone + film production) based project with queer, trans, and non-binary youth in New Brunswick, Canada, we seek to center queer stories and experiences to speak back to their erasures in school spaces and landscapes. We argue that in researching with queer, trans, and non-binary youth in the Anthropocene, cellphilm method offers us the opportunity to think critically and creatively about environments, inclusions, and queering environmental futures (Lebel, 2019) within schooling structures.
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
Cited by
13 articles.
1. Virtual Cellphilming with GBTQ Pups: Towards Participant-Driven Research as Activism;The Qualitative Report;2024-08-30
2. Being a good boy: pup play, body image, and the self for gay, bi, trans, and queer men;Culture, Health & Sexuality;2024-05-29
3. Beyond barks and bodies: Pup play and body image in gay, bi, trans, and queer men through a Deleuzian lens;The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality;2024-05-03
4. Doing it together, but in a queer way: joyful worldmaking with 2SLGBTQI + folks in Atlantic Canada;Journal of LGBT Youth;2024-01-16
5. The Story Behind the Story: Accounts of Youth Cellphilm-Makers on Their Experiences of the Pandemic;Studies in Arts-Based Educational Research;2024