The effect of magnesium-containing fertilizers on spring soft wheat in the Central Non-Chernozem region


Kokoreva V. G1,Gladysheva O. V1,Barkovskaya T. A1


1. The Institute of Seed Production and Agrotechnologies- branch of the FSBSI Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM


Mineral nutrition from all external factors has a leading role on the size and quality of the crop. The results of scientific research on the basis of the Institute of Seed Production and Agrotechnologies - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FNAC VIM on the optimization of mineral nutrition in spring wheat crops are presented. All experimental studies were carried out on spring soft wheat crops of the Arsea variety. The variety is medium-ripened, highly productive, resistant to lodging and diseases. It has high and stable baking qualities over the years: protein 14-17 %, gluten content in flour 32-44 %, valuable wheat. The use of magnesium fertilizers made it possible to increase the productivity of the crop and form grain with high quality indicators. It was found that the use of magnesium fertilizers in all variants allowed to obtain additional harvests of spring soft wheat more control by 0.04-0.37 t/ha or 0.8-7.0 %. They also affected the formation of a productive stem by increasing it by 4.1-19.0 % or by 19-90 pcs/m2. Magnesium fertilizers also showed a positive effect on the formation of structural elements, the number of grains from the ear and the weight of grain from the ear increased by 2.3-7.4 % and 1.9-7.8 %, respectively. The mass of 1000 grains with the use of fertilizers increased by 0.9-4.3 % compared to the control. In our studies, in addition to crop productivity, the effect of fertilizers on grain quality was evaluated. The maximum dose of application of granulated Agromage to the soil (200 kg / ha) and subsequent additional top dressing on the sheet of Agromage Actimax at a dose of 6 l / ha allowed to improve the quality of products, the protein content in grains increased by 0.9 %.


The Russian Academy of Sciences







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