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4. Tobolova G.V., Letyago Yu.A., Belkina R.I. Otsenka sortov myagkoy yarovoy pshenitsy po tekhnologicheskim svoystvam i biokhimicheskim priznakam. [Assessment of soft spring wheat varieties according to the technological properties and biochemical traits]. Agroprodovol'stvennaya politika Rossii = Agri-Food Policy in Russia. 2015;(5 (41)):64-67. (In Russ.). URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24210428
5. Belkina R.I., Kucherov D.I., Baryshnikov I.V. Kachestvo zerna sortov sil'noy pshenitsy v severnoy lesostepi Tyumenskoy oblasti. [Quality of grain of strong wheat varieties in the northern forest-steppe of the Tyumen region]. Agroprodovol'stvennaya politika Rossii = Agri-Food Policy in Russia. 2013;(3 (15)):51-53. (In Russ.). URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=20927932