1. Federal Center for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety (FSBSI “FCTRBS-ARRVI”)
Optimal conditions of gas chromatographic analysis with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS) were selected, which allowed to obtain satisfactory separation and identification of some organochlorine (OCP) and organophosphorus (OPP) pesticides. Several sorbents were studied at the stage of extract purification in order to reduce the matrix effect in order to achieve higher analysis accuracy. The completeness of the extraction of OCP and OPP from the apple matrix was evaluated using the example of the following pesticides: hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH, -, - and -isomers), dimethoate, phosalone, chlorpyrifos. It was found that the most effective was the use of Florisil sorbent in combination with MgSO4, which allowed to minimize matrix effects and obtain the best indicators of the extraction degree of the investigated analytes. This method was used to monitor the content of residual amounts of pesticides in apples of different varieties.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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