Adaptation of the Method of Analytical Control of the Content of α-Amylase in Triticale Grain


Barnashova E. K.1,Ostyshev A. N.2,Sluzova O. V.2,Gardina Yu. S.2,Zhilin S. V.1,Taraskin K. A.1


1. Federal Agrarian Scientific Center of the South-East

2. Scientific Research Institute of Applied Acoustics


Triticale grain crop is promising for cultivation in various regions of central Russia. Stable yield, high resistance to adverse conditions, allow us to consider this cereal plant as a reliable source of food production. The purpose of this study was to quantify the content of active α-amylase in triticale grain to provide a forecast of agrotechnical measures. The analysis of the quantitative content of  α-amylase was carried out on a laboratory spectrofluorimeter using standard bioassays conducted on the basis of a set of reagents for determining the activity of  α-amylase in blood serum and urine; the conversion factor for calculating enzyme activity was calculated using a multiparametric calibrator of biochemical analyzers. To improve the methodology for the determination of  α-amylase in real samples of plant raw materials, flour of winter triticale varieties grown in the field was used. Based on the results of measuring the activity of  α-amylase in triticale grain, a comparative assessment of the enzyme content in the flour of grain crops of 2020 and 2021 was carried out; the dependence of pre-harvest seed germination on the content of  α-amylase in grain of various varieties, lines and hybrids was shown. Based on the data obtained on the content of  α-amylase in triticale grain, a comparative assessment of the characteristics of pre-harvest seed germination was carried out. The indicator of the quantitative content of  α-amylase can be recommended for use in the diagnosis of pre-harvest germination of grain, as well as in breeding work when creating new varieties of grain crops.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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