Barnashova E.K.,Vertikova E.A.,Derevyagin S.S.
The outstripping pace of agro-industrial complex development is largely determined by the level of agricultural production organization. The effectiveness of crop cultivation depends both on external factors: nature of soils, climatic conditions, etc., and on the skillful organization of agrotechnical measures, timely implementation of planned sowing cycles, cultivation and harvesting of crop production. The development of intelligent technologies can optimize the use of resources and management processes in the field of agriculture, as well as improve the quality of finished products. In particular, using the capabilities of artificial intelligence, it is possible to process large amounts of data on soil composition, fertility, humidity, and other soil parameters; predict weather and climate, forecast and plan sowings of certain crops. With the help of modern intelligent technologies, it is possible to monitor the condition of plants, identify diseases and pests, control growth and determine the best time for sowing, various types of plant treatment and time for harvesting. Definitely, these are just some areas where intelligent technologies in agriculture that can be used. With the development of technology and improved data availability, the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in all the areas mentioned will only grow.
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