Global carbon cycle response to external forcing


Savina K. D.1,Eliseev A. V.123,Mokhov I. I.124


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Kazan Federal University

4. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


The characteristic temporal scales of response of the globally averaged climate model with the carbon cycle to external influences with the analysis of the spectrum of the linearized evolution operator of the corresponding dynamical system are evaluated. The model exhibits response time scales of about 4–6 years (related to the carbon dynamics in vegetation) and in the range of 20–100 years (related to the carbon dynamics in non-humified soil reservoirs). When taking into account the effect of humification in the model reveals the time scale of the response, which is on the order of several millennia. For the closed carbon cycle, a time scale of 102 years is revealed, which characterizes the joint changes in the atmospheric and ocean reservoirs. At high universality of the proposed approach it can be used for a wide range of tasks.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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