Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Thermohaline Structure of Waters in the Antarctic Sound


Zuev O. A.1,Frey D. I.1,Drozd I. D.12,Krechik V. A.1


1. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Moscow State University


The sea straits of the Antarctic Peninsula region are characterized by intense currents, the presence of sea ice and large icebergs, strong tides, and many other factors that form the thermohaline structure of the waters in this region and its temporal variability. The existence of local ecological communities depends on the thermohaline properties of the waters in the straits that determines the relevance of this work. From this point of view, the Antarctic Sound, which connects the Bransfield Strait with the western part of the Weddell Sea, stands out in particular. Based on new field data, a description of the thermohaline structure of this strait is given. Unique data from autonomous sensors installed on marine mammals were used for the first time and made it possible to track changes in the waters throughout the year. The transitional seasons, as well as the general boundaries of the thermohaline characteristics of the waters in the strait, have been determined. The spatial, seasonal and interannual variability of the thermohaline structure of the waters in the strait was studied on the basis of data over the last 40 years.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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