Das Kapital Comes to Russia


Resis Albert


Pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli.TERENTIANUS MAURUSThe triumph of Marxism in backward Russia is commonly regarded as a historical anomaly. Yet, some forty-five years before the Bolshevik Revolution, Marx's Das Kapital in Russian translation had already won quick acclaim. Indeed, the book for a brief time enjoyed greater renown in Russia than in any other country, and it won a warm reception—for highly varied reasons— in many political quarters. Although valuable studies have been written on the first responses to Marxism in Russia, little note has been taken of the rapid and widespread success the book scored, and the reasons for this success have received even less attention. An exploration of these reasons will therefore cover a rarely traveled byway of Russian intellectual history.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),Cultural Studies

Reference36 articles.

1. N. P. Poliakov—izdatel' 'Kapitala’ Karla Marksa;Knizhnik;Voprosy istorii,1947

2. O ‘spornykh’ voprosakh istorii pervogo russkogo perevoda ‘Kapitala’ K. Marksa;N. K.;Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR : Otdelenie ekonomiki i prava,1947

Cited by 29 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Translation and the political: antagonism and hegemony;Translation Studies;2023-04-18

2. The Paris Commune and Karl Marx's Le capital;Modern Intellectual History;2022-11-16

3. Bibliography;Sociology and Empire;2013

4. Conclusion;Sociology and Empire;2013

5. Resistance and the Contradictory Rationalities of State Formation in British Malaya and the American Philippines;Sociology and Empire;2013








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