The final preambular paragraph of the
1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
affirms “that the rules of customary
internationallaw will continue to govern questions
not regulated by the provisions of the present
Convention;” and Article 4 of the Convention,
establishing the nonretroactivity of the
Convention by providing that it “applies only
totreaties which are concluded by States, after
the entry into force of the present Convention
with regard to such States,” stipulates that this
nonretroactivity is “ [w]ithout prejudice to the
application of any rules set forth in the present
Convention to which treaties would be subject
under international law independently of the
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Law,Political Science and International Relations
Reference6 articles.
1. Multilateral Treaties as Evidence of Customary International Law;Baxter;41 Brit. Y. B. Int. L.,1965–66
2. Unilateral Denunciation of Treaty Because of Prior Violations of Obligations by Other Party
Cited by
31 articles.