Assessment of the role and significance of the dairy subcomplex for solution of food supply and the national economy


Kozak OlgaORCID


The purpose of the article is to assess the role of the modern dairy subcomplex of Ukraine in solving food supply and its importance for the national economy. Research methods. Based on the dialectical method of cognition and a systematic approach to the analysis of the role and significance of the dairy subcomplex, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis - when assessing the dairy subcomplex in the context of its components and with the subsequent combination of these components into a system; empirical - in the complex assessment of the current state of the research object; abstract-logical - to summarize scientific research and substantiate conclusions; comparative assessment - when comparing the dairy subcomplex of Ukraine and the world; monographic - for the analysis of scientific achievements of Ukrainian and foreign scientists; graphic - illustrative representation of the calculation results. Research results. The concept of "dairy subcomplex" is generalized and a scheme of its production and economic relations is proposed. The advantages of the dairy subcomplex from the standpoint of milk producers and the dairy industry are characterized. The values of dairy products in Ukrainian food rations have been determined and factors influencing changes in consumption have been established. The main positions of the impact of the dairy subcomplex on the functioning of the national economy are highlighted. Scientific novelty. On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the importance of milk and dairy products for Ukrainian consumers and the role of the dairy subcomplex for the national economy of Ukraine, the objective necessity and obvious priority of the industry among other sectors has been proved, which requires appropriate reflection in the development of state strategies for ensuring food security. Practical significance. The main provisions and conclusions are presented aimed at the factual confirmation of the important role of the dairy subcomplex in the formation of food security of the country and for strengthening the national economy, which can be used by government bodies in substantiating development strategies for the subcomplex in terms of characterizing its value and, accordingly, giving priority with the priority introduction of effective measures public policy. The work may be of interest to the participants of the dairy subcomplex, consumers and public organizations. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 28.


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