Documentation in history plays a crucial role in preserving evidence and providing valuable information for future generations. In the context of documentaries, modern technology is utilized to present historical accounts with visual effects, offering undergraduate students a vivid depiction of the past. These documentaries serve as comprehensive and educational resources for students, providing them with a deeper understanding of historical events. Visuals are particularly effective in transporting individuals to different time periods and aiding their comprehension of complex conditions and issues. In some cases, explanations or theoretical concepts may be challenging to grasp or lead to confusion. This research employs quantitative data, longitudinal analysis, and an exploratory methodology to examine the use of technology in presenting visuals and its efficacy among undergraduate students from various academic streams who have an interest in history. Documentary videos, biopics, series, and films serve as mediums to help students comprehend historical topics, and their effectiveness can be assessed through surveys.
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women
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