Comparing Diaspora Policies of Turkey and Azerbaijan: “Are Common Diaspora Policies Possible?”


İyi M. MustafaORCID,Umarova AishaORCID


The term diaspora is used to describe social groups that have migrated from their homeland, and preserved and maintained their home country’s culture. In the 1990s, with the acceleration of communication, transportation, and the ease of displacement, migration movements in the world increased and modern diasporas developed transnational relations in their country of residence. Modern diasporas have attracted sending states’ attention over time and have led states to develop various policies for institution building, political participation, lobbying, and civil and social rights. This article reveals the similarities and differences in Turkey and Azerbaijan’s diaspora policies from a historical perspective and examines the kinds of activities and policies these two states currently have in the context of the Turkish world. The possibility of the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (Turkey) and the State Committee on Work with Diaspora (Azerbaijan) developing common diaspora policies is also discussed. The study’s data is collected using the document analysis method, which includes a literature review and an examination of reports from the public institutions mentioned, in order to discuss the possibility of the two countries to producing a common diaspora policy.


Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies

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