1. 3) J. K. BRIMACOMBE and F. D. RICHARDSON : Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. Sect. C, 82 (1973), C63
2. 4) D. BHAGA and M. E. WEBER : J. Fluid Mech., 105 (1981), p. 61
3. 6) J. T. DAVIES : Turbulence Phenomena (1972) [Academic Press]
4. 7) D. G. C. ROBERTSON and B. B. STAPLES : Process Engineering of Pyrometallurgy, ed. by M. J. JONES (1974), p. 51 [The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy]
5. 8) F. D. RICHARDSON, D. G. C. ROBERTSON and B. B. STAPLES : Proceedings Darken Conference on Physical Chemistry in Metallurgy (1976), p. 25 [United States Steel Corporation Research Laboratory]