Strategies in the System of Public Administration: Current Challenges and Scientific and Expert Platform


Lіashenko Viacheslav1ORCID,Petrova Iryna1ORCID


1. Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine


Proposals to strengthen the role of regional and territorial development strategy at the national level, at the regional and community level in the context of globalization and European integration are substantiated. The management system of the new state regional policy is analyzed. It was found that the process of strategizing is multidimensional and multidimensional, and also requires the formation of appropriate vertical and horizontal levels as an independent branch of government. It is proposed to form scientific and expert platforms of strategy as a network structure with the participation of government, business structures and the expert community from the national to local levels. Scientific and expert platforms of strategy in the system of strategic planning of socio-economic development of the country, macro-region, region, city, district and united territorial communities are considered. In order to form effective development institutions and monitor their functioning, it is proposed to form corporations of advanced development of macroregions (economic districts), corporations of advanced development of regions, corporations of advanced development of the city and united territorial communities. It is revealed that for the long-term horizon of forecasting and planning it is expedient to rely on the cyclic theory of “long waves” M.D. Kondratiev (25-30 years, this is 1/2 of the long wave of Kondratiev). The 25-30-year long-term planning directive requires the addition of medium-term (5-7 years) and short-term (2-3 years) planning tools. At all levels, it is advisable to develop short-term 2-3-year programs with specific sources of funding for program activities to address the most complex problems of regional development. The basis of short-term (2-3-year) programs should be projects based on international-public-private partnership. It is noted that the implementation of specific measures should be carried out on the basis of program-project approach.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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