The Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Ensuring the Effective Functioning and Development of Enterprises of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Ukraine


Bezuhlyi O.ORCID, ,Koliesnik V.ORCID,Sokolenko A.ORCID, ,


In the article, due attention is paid to solving a set of tasks, the main of which are: revealing the essence of the organizational and economic mechanism of ensuring the profitability of agricultural enterprises and its connection with the economic mechanism of their functioning; elucidation of the main theoretical provisions regarding the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the profitability of agricultural enterprises; supplementing the methodological toolkit for analyzing the indicators of the formation and effective functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of ensuring the profitability of agricultural enterprises in modern business conditions; development of the principles of justification of pricing – the main factor in the formation of the efficiency of agricultural production; improvement of the constituent elements of the system of financial and credit provision of the profitability of agricultural enterprises; forecasting the level of profitability of production of the main types of products in agricultural enterprises, etc. The work carried out a comprehensive study of theoretical foundations, development of practical recommendations and proposals for the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the profitability of agricultural enterprises in the context of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the agrarian sphere, namely: a comprehensive approach to the formation of the components of an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the profitability of enterprises is substantiated; the method of studying profitability and classifying its manifestations in agriculture has been improved; a compensatory mechanism for reducing the price of loans for agricultural enterprises was proposed by introducing a preferential rate that takes into account the type of loan, its intended use and the profitability of the lending facility; a toolkit for forming the price component of enterprise profitability is recommended; the methodology for the comprehensive assessment of the economic and economic parameters of the formation of the profitability of enterprises is substantiated; a systematic approach was carried out to identify the main factors of the macroeconomic, regional and industry environment, the comprehensive consideration of which will contribute to the formation of a synergistic effect; an algorithm for prognostic assessment of the formation of the profitability of the production of types of agricultural products was developed.


Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

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