Prerequisites and Factors of the Autonomy of Medical Treatment Measures


Ternavskyi A. I.1ORCID


1. State University “Institute of Market and Economic-Ecological Research” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Odesa


The article examines the prerequisites and factors of reforming the medical industry, the formation of legislative changes, and the creation of opportunities for the transformation of public health care institutions with the status of a budget institution into communal non-commercial enterprises. The measures and principles of strategic development of medical institutions, the implementation of strategic planning in order to achieve long-term sustainable goals and the measurement of final goals in comparison with the current situation are studied. The problems that hindered the implementation of the reform of the autonomy of treatment medical institutions and the main measures that allow them to be eliminated are highlighted. Considerable attention is paid in the work to the stages of the autonomy of medical institutions, which consist in expanding the powers of the management bodies of the medical institution in personnel, organizational and financial matters; optimizing the remuneration of employees of a medical institution; cost regulation in accordance with the primary needs of the medical treatment facility; the right to reorganize or merge with other medical treatment facilities for the purpose of personnel, material, technical and resource optimization; the right to cooperate on contractual terms with medical workers of various fields who have appropriate licenses for conducting medical practice. The work examines the orientations of the activity of the treatment medical institution and their values, the scheme of strategic goals and prospective directions of the development of treatment medical institutions in the process of their autonomy. Considerable attention is paid to the main tasks of public-private partnership in the process of autonomy of medical institutions, factors of their stimulation.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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