Indigenous Student Matriculation into Medical School: Policy and Progress


Sadler Kathy,Johnson Marjorie,Brunette Candace,Gula Lorne,Kennard Mary Ann,Charland David,Tithecott Gary,Cooper Gerry,Rieder Michael,Watling Chris,Herbert Carol P,Garcia Bertha,Hammond Robert R


Access to health care remains suboptimal for Indigenous people in Canada. One contributing factor is the longstanding undersupply of Indigenous physicians. Despite awareness of this issue, underrepresentation in medical schools continues. In 2002, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry (SSMD) policies were modified to enhance access for Indigenous students. This article describes our school’s continuing journey of policy and process revision, formative collaborations, early learner outcomes, and lessons learned towards this goal. In the first 10 years, SSMD matriculated 15 additional Indigenous students via this new stream. All candidates were successful in the undergraduate medical curriculum, licensing examinations, and residency match. The majority were attracted to primary care specialties, training programs affiliated with SSMD, and practices in southern Ontario. While the process and curriculum have revealed their potential, its capacity is not being maximized.


University of Western Ontario, Western Libraries


Sociology and Political Science,Anthropology,Cultural Studies

Reference53 articles.

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