The problem of iodine deficiency in the Chechen republic: assessment of the current state and ways of solution


Troshina E. A.1ORCID,Makolina N. P.1ORCID,Platonova N. M.1ORCID,Isaeva M. P.1ORCID,Abdulkhabirova F. M.1ORCID,Nikankina L. V.1ORCID,Zuraeva Z. T.1ORCID,Isaeva U. S.2ORCID,Atabaeva Kh. V.2ORCID


1. Endocrinology Research Centre

2. Republican Endocrinological Dispensary; Medical Institute of the Chechen State University of A.A. Kadyrov


Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) are prevalent and highly morbidity, have hidden progression, severe disabling somatic complications, including cognitive disorders, reproductive losses, and oncopathology. This presents a serious challenge to the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, as it affects over 3 million people. The lack of relevant data on the severity of IDD and the current prevention programs at the regional level necessitates the need for appropriate research and measures in individual subjects of the Russian Federation.AIM: To conduct a comprehensive study to assess the current iodine security of the population of the Chechen Republic, to analyze the prevalence of thyroid pathology and compare it with official statistics, to formulate conclusions about the necessary preventive measures.MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the Chechen Republic, a total of 1239 people were examined, of which 921 were schoolchildren of pre-pubertal age (8–10 years) and 318 were adults. The survey of the adult population was carried out at medical organizations in four districts of the republic (Nadterechny, Shalinsky, Vedensky, Grozny) and included a questionnaire survey, a clinical examination by an endocrinologist with palpation of the thyroid gland, thyroid ultrasound, and a study by a qualitative method of samples of table salt used in households for the presence of iodine.Children’s examinations were carried out by the cluster method on the basis of secondary schools in 9 out of 15 districts of the republic and included an examination by an endocrinologist and measurement of anthropometric parameters (height, weight), thyroid ultrasound to evaluate volume, determination of iodine concentration in single portions of urine and qualitative analysis of samples of table salt used in children’s nutrition in families for the presence of iodine.The incidence and prevalence of thyroid disease among the population of the Chechen Republic were analyzed using data from official state statistics — form No. 12 «Information on the number of diseases registered in patients living in the area served by the medical institution» (ROSSTAT data as of 01.01.2021).RESULTS: According to the results of a survey of 921 pre-pubertal children, the median urinary iodine concentration was 71.3 µg/L (frequency of values below 50μg/L — 17,7%) and varies from 48.9 to 179.2 µg/L in the surveyed areas. According to thyroid ultrasound data, diffuse goiter was detected in 16.4% of the examined children, with goiter frequency ranging from 11.3% to 23.5%. The proportion of iodized salt consumed in schoolchildren’s families was 4.2% in all study areas (range of values from 1.3% to 8%), which indicates an extremely low level of using iodized salt by household.According to the results of the examination of the adult population (n=318), structural changes in thyroid tissue were detected in 79.9% (n=254), while the proportion of nodular thyroid pathology being 83% (n=205), with a range of values across different districts of 52.5–80%.CONCLUSION: Based on the obtained data, according to WHO criteria, it can be stated that, overall, the degree of severity of iodine deficiency disorders in the Chechen Republic corresponds to mild severity with a tendency towards moderate severity in several districts of the foothills. The results of the examination of the adult population indicate a high prevalence of thyroid pathology, predominantly nodular, in the Chechen Republic. The data obtained in the course of large-scale research made it possible to initiate the development of necessary medical and organizational measures in the region — a program for the prevention of IDD.


Endocrinology Research Centre


Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

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